Waste management

Plastic waste and climate change in Bangladesh’s garment industry

Research project Bangladesh has emerged as a hub for garment production. This has contributed to job creation and reduction of poverty. The problem is, however, that it has also resulted in much plastic waste. Plastic waste that both contributes to local pollution an ...
Period: 2024-04-1 to 2029-03-31 Countries: Bangladesh Lead institution: University of Southern Denmark (SDU), Denmark Partner institutions: BRAC University (BRACU), Bangladesh Aalborg University (AAU), Denmark Project code: 24-05-SDU Total grant: 9,999,977 DKK
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Circular Economy in Bangladesh’s Apparel Industry (CREATE)

Research project The global system of production and consumption of clothing accounts for approximately 4 to 6% of global GHG emissions, equivalent to international flights and maritime shipping combined, and contributes 20% of industrial water pollution. The global ...
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Collaboration on Nature-based Solutions for Sustainable Cities (CONSUS)

Research project Objectives and results Competition for space is becoming intense in the world’s rapidly urbanizing cities, where basic infrastructure needs outcompete that of green space. With rising climate extremes and biodiversity loss, calls for innovative appr ...
Period: 2023-07-1 to 2027-06-30 Countries: South Africa Lead institution: Aarhus University (AU), Denmark Partner institutions: University of Pretoria (UP), South Africa Habitat Landscape Architects (Pty) Ltd., South Africa SLA Architects, Denmark Project code: 23-M02-AU Total grant: 9,999,119 DKK
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Sustainable and efficient insect production for livestock feed through selective breeding (FLYgene)

Research project Interest in insect rearing for livestock feed is growing globally, including in Kenya and Uganda where the booming livestock sector has necessitated feed importation. Insect rearing offers climate-friendly bio-waste conversion as insects can thrive o ... First year report The FlyGene project involves 22 researchers in Uganda, Kenya, and Denmark. Several activities have so far been carried out in the 5 work packages (WPs). WP 1 organized stakeholder workshops (one in each target country) to raise ...
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Circular Retrofitting for Sustainable Industrialization (GeckoCIR)

Research project The Gecko project aims to provide scientific insights and an algorithm for designing and projecting high-circular eco-industrial parks in Kenya. The project investigates if and under what conditions developing countries such as Kenya may gain environ ... First year report Objectives: The GeckoCir project is well up and running. The project targets upcycling of industrial sidestreams either internally or via industrial symbiosis (where one company's waste becomes another company's resource). The p ...
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Carbon cApture for microbial Protein synthesis in Burkina Faso (CAP-BFA)

Research project CAP-BFA project aims at contributing both to mitigate climate change and to enhance adaptive capacities of food (fodder) production in Burkina Faso. It will develop innovative technical solutions and build internationally and locally anchored researc ... First year report This project aims to develop a sustainable process to fix carbon dioxide into microbial protein using a novel microbial protein electrosynthesis cell. The project progresses based on six working packages (WP0-5), each with specif ...
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(AgroVal) Sustainable valorisation of agro-industrial residues through integration of food, bioproducts and bio-energy production

Research project In the equatorial East African region (EA) including Tanzania, Kenya and Ethiopia, agriculture accounts for 80%, with coffee and sisal as the most important crops with 600 kiloton coffee and 100 kiloton sisal ropes produced annually. The related crop ... First year report The main objective of AgroVal project is the development of new platform technologies for circular bioeconomy strengthening, while contributing to capacity building in East Africa. More specifically, the agricultural residues of ...
Period: 2022-03-1 to 2026-05-31 Countries: Kenya Tanzania Lead institution: Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Denmark Partner institutions: Nelson Mandela African Institute of Science and Technology (NM-AIST), Tanzania Pwani University, Kenya Project code: 21-07-DTU Total grant: 11,998,331 DKK
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Circular Bioeconomy for the Kenyan Dairy Sector

Research project The idea of circular bioeconomy (CBE) is gaining broad interest as global environmental challenges become monumental and demand a shift from linear production-consumption models to circular models. CBE is particularly relevant for lower-middle income ...
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