University of Dhaka (DU), Bangladesh

Climate Change, Migration, Health and Hygiene – Adapting to a WATer-SCARCE future WatScarce

Research project The UN estimates that by 2025, 1.8 billion people will live in places with absolute water scarcity, and two-thirds of the world’s population could be facing water stress. This lack of water is likely to cause an increase in diarrhoeal and respiratory ...
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Circular Economy in Bangladesh’s Apparel Industry (CREATE)

Research project The global system of production and consumption of clothing accounts for approximately 4 to 6% of global GHG emissions, equivalent to international flights and maritime shipping combined, and contributes 20% of industrial water pollution. The global ...
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Climate change and global value chains in Bangladesh

Research project This research and capacity building project will investigate how the garment/textile value chains connecting Europe/Bangladesh are being reconfigured in response to climate change. Our research will answer the following questions: How are the garment ...
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Combating Cholera Caused by Climate Change in Bangladesh

Research project Bangladesh (Bg) is one of the most hazard prone countries in the world and is expected to be one of the worst affected by Climate Change (CC). Every year, extreme weather events such as flooding, droughts and cyclones have devastating effects, also i ... Project Completion Report C5 has identified a variety of new, known, and forgotten transmission routes of Vibrio cholerae and E.coli, such as kitchen utensils, fish, flies, fomites, boiled drinking water, and person-to-person transmission. Toget ...
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