African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS), Kenya

Circular Retrofitting for Sustainable Industrialization (GeckoCIR)

Research project The Gecko project aims to provide scientific insights and an algorithm for designing and projecting high-circular eco-industrial parks in Kenya. The project investigates if and under what conditions developing countries such as Kenya may gain environ ... First year report Objectives: The GeckoCir project is well up and running. The project targets upcycling of industrial sidestreams either internally or via industrial symbiosis (where one company's waste becomes another company's resource). The p ...
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Circular Bioeconomy for the Kenyan Dairy Sector

Research project The idea of circular bioeconomy (CBE) is gaining broad interest as global environmental challenges become monumental and demand a shift from linear production-consumption models to circular models. CBE is particularly relevant for lower-middle income ...
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Innovation and Renewable Electrification in Kenya (IREK)

Research project As the global climate change regime moves ahead towards 2020, there will be increasing investments related to climate change mitigation and adaptation in poor countries. Ensuring that the most adequate technologies are selected and that they are diff ...
Period: 2014-12-31 to 2021-03-31 Countries: Kenya Lead institution: Aalborg University (AAU), Denmark Partner institutions: Moi University (MU), Kenya African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS), Kenya Project code: 14-09AAU Total grant: 9,966,333 DKK
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