
Plastic waste and climate change in Bangladesh’s garment industry

Research project Bangladesh has emerged as a hub for garment production. This has contributed to job creation and reduction of poverty. The problem is, however, that it has also resulted in much plastic waste. Plastic waste that both contributes to local pollution an ...
Period: 2024-04-1 to 2029-03-31 Countries: Bangladesh Lead institution: University of Southern Denmark (SDU), Denmark Partner institutions: BRAC University (BRACU), Bangladesh Aalborg University (AAU), Denmark Project code: 24-05-SDU Total grant: 9,999,977 DKK
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Climate Change, Migration, Health and Hygiene – Adapting to a WATer-SCARCE future WatScarce

Research project The UN estimates that by 2025, 1.8 billion people will live in places with absolute water scarcity, and two-thirds of the world’s population could be facing water stress. This lack of water is likely to cause an increase in diarrhoeal and respiratory ...
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Climate-resilient aquatic food systems for healthy lives of young women and girls in Bangladesh (AQUAFOOD)

Research project Sustainable management of aquatic foods is essential, in order to support the urgently needed shift to sustainable and healthy diets, mitigating climate change. Yet, the approaches that promote sustainable food systems largely fail to recognize the p ...
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Circular Economy in Bangladesh’s Apparel Industry (CREATE)

Research project The global system of production and consumption of clothing accounts for approximately 4 to 6% of global GHG emissions, equivalent to international flights and maritime shipping combined, and contributes 20% of industrial water pollution. The global ...
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Climate-friendly and climate-resilient prawn farming in Bangladesh (ECOPRAWN)

Research project ECOPRAWN aims to analyze both climate change mitigation and adaptation of prawn farming in Bangladesh and thereby meet the theme “Sustainable development and climate change”. Mitigation is implemented by introduction of Integrated Multi Trophic Aquac ... First year report After one year, ECOPRAWN follows the plan studying climate-friendly and climate-resilient prawn farming in Bangladesh. 7 of 8 PhD students are hired and work on their PhD. Of these, 43 are enrolled in double PhD degrees, 1 in sin ...
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Sustainable Leather Tanning Industry in Bangladesh: Integrating Lean and Institutional Logics into OHS Management (SusLeather)

Research project The leather industry is the second-largest export sector of Bangladesh. As for Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) performance, the leather tanning industry is one of the most hazardous trades in many South Asian countries including Bangladesh, Indi ...
Period: 2022-02-15 to 2026-02-14 Countries: Bangladesh Lead institution: University of Southern Denmark (SDU), Denmark Partner institutions: Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology (AUST), Bangladesh Project code: 21-M11-SDU Total grant: 4,999,999 DKK
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Climate change and global value chains in Bangladesh

Research project This research and capacity building project will investigate how the garment/textile value chains connecting Europe/Bangladesh are being reconfigured in response to climate change. Our research will answer the following questions: How are the garment ...
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Safety and health and audit practices in Bangladesh

Research project The fast industrial development from a low income to a middle-income country such as Bangladesh carries a risk for safety and health of the workers, which may also jeopardise the economic development. Occupational safety and health (OSH) is therefore ...
Period: 2020-03-1 to 2025-02-28 Countries: Bangladesh Lead institution: University of Southern Denmark (SDU), Denmark Partner institutions: Bangladesh University of Health Sciences (BUHS), Bangladesh Aalborg University (AAU), Denmark Team Working Life Aps (TWL), Denmark Project code: 19-M01-SDU Total grant: 4,992,320 DKK
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