Humanitarian assistance and development

Everyday displacement governance in peri-urban settings. Strengthening the Resilience of Sahelian Societies (STRESS)

Research project Sahelian societies have demonstrated their capacity to adopt efficient strategies (such as seasonal migrations and manifestations of solidarity) in order to adjust to harsh environmental conditions, rapid changes in environmental conditions and confl ...
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Improving treatment of malnutrition to support child development in the context of climate change: the BrightSAM study

Research project Almost half of the World Food Programme’s emergency operations are now in response to climate-related disasters. Child malnutrition is a major consequence of climate change threatening health and development in low-income countries. Every year, 15 mi ...
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Complex pathways of climate mobility for children and youth in Ethiopia

Research project All over the world, children and youth are feeling the effects of unprecedented, intensifying and in some instances even irreversible climate change. Those growing up in developing countries are particularly vulnerable to these changes. With gloomy p ...
Period: 2023-03-1 to 2027-02-28 Countries: Ethiopia Lead institution: Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS), Denmark Partner institutions: The Organisation for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa (OSSREA), Ethiopia Project code: 23-02-DIIS Total grant: 12,347,391 DKK
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Everyday Humanitarianism in Tanzania (EveryHumanTZ)

Research project Since an upsurge of unrest in Burundi in 2015, 258,000 refugees have crossed into Tanzania, making it the largest recipient of Burundian refugees in the East African region. Tanzania currently hosts 317,000 refugees in three camps, which is an unprec ...
Period: 2019-11-1 to 2025-10-31 Countries: Tanzania Lead institution: Roskilde University (RUC), Denmark Partner institutions: University of Copenhagen (UCPH), Denmark University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM), Tanzania Copenhagen Business School (CBS), Denmark Project code: 18-12-CBS Total grant: 12,000,000 DKK
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Diaspora Humanitarianism in Complex Crises (D-Hum)

Research project This research project explores how Somali diaspora groups mobilize, channel and deliver humanitarian assistance to Somalia during complex humanitarian crises. Based on fieldwork in Somalia, Kenya and Europe, it examines the movements of goods, people ... Midterm report PhD and postdoc progress: - Abdirahman Edle (AE) and Fatima Dahir (FD) have presented their concept notes at a IDS seminar, Uni of Nairobi. Sahra Ahmed Koshin (SAK) is finalizing her concept not. - AE and FD visited DIIS and Uni o ...
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Private-sector cash transfers (CASH-IN)

Research project The overall objective of CASH-IN is to investigate whether and to what extent privately managed cash transfers (PrivCTs) are politicized by ruling elites and how this affects inclusive sustainable growth and state-society relations. Cash transfers ha ...
Period: 2020-09-1 to 2025-05-31 Countries: Tanzania Uganda Lead institution: Roskilde University (RUC), Denmark Partner institutions: Makerere University (MAK), Uganda University of Dodoma (UDOM), Tanzania Project code: 19-05-RUC Total grant: 11,944,444 DKK
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