Rigshospitalet (RH), Copenhagen University Hospital, Denmark

Improving milk and chicken meat quality and safety in the Kenyan food sector (QUALIFOOD)

Research project Climate change augment antimicrobial resistant infections and affects the rate at which microbes acquire resistance, and if not dealt with, 10 million people is estimated to die globally by 2050 due to resistant bacteria. This will affect economy and ...
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The impact of a variable climate on long-term adverse health effects in Tanzania

Research project Climate change and non-communicable diseases (NCD) such as hypertension, diabetes and mental illness are major problems contributing to unsustainable development. While NCDs are already the leading cause of poor health and premature deaths in sub-Sah ...
Period: 2023-06-1 to 2028-05-31 Countries: Tanzania Lead institution: Rigshospitalet (RH), Copenhagen University Hospital, Denmark Partner institutions: National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR), Tanzania Tanzania Meteorological Agency (TMA), Tanzania Tampere University, Finland Project code: 23-03-RH Total grant: 9,981,024 DKK
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Improving treatment of malnutrition to support child development in the context of climate change: the BrightSAM study

Research project Almost half of the World Food Programme’s emergency operations are now in response to climate-related disasters. Child malnutrition is a major consequence of climate change threatening health and development in low-income countries. Every year, 15 mi ...
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Comprehensive Cervical Cancer Prevention in Tanzania

Research project The natural history of Human papillomavirus (HPV) in sub-Saharan Africa is not yet fully understood and information about how HIV together with other risk factors interacts with HPV acquisition and HPV persistence/clearance is warranted. Additionally ...
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Neonatal Hospital Mortality in South Vietnam

Research project Overall aim: To examine newborn hospital mortality in South Vietnam in order to design intervention studies to be conducted in the next project phase. The studies are conducted in a tertiary specialized hospital and 3 referring secondary general prov ... Project Completion Report: In spite of the magnitude, knowledge about newbom mortality is very limited in resource poor settings like Vietnam. We explored newborn morbidity and mortality in hospital (general and specialized pediatric care) and c ...
Period: 2009-09-15 to 2013-10-31 Countries: Vietnam Lead institution: Rigshospitalet (RH), Copenhagen University Hospital, Denmark Partner institutions: University of Copenhagen (UCPH), Denmark Project code: 09-082RH Total grant: 1,901,942 DKK
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