University of Development Studies (UDS), Ghana

Climate Resilience Across the Rural-Urban Continuum

Research project Projected and existing severe impacts of climate change in West Africa’s Sahel interact with high population growth and livelihood insecurity and fragility. The resulting increased mobility and rapid urbanisation further challenge local governments’ ...
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Climate Change Resilience of Ecosystem Services

Research project The project ‘Climate Change Resilience of Ecosystem Services (CRES)’ aims to increase foodand income diversity and climate change resilience of agricultural systems in West Africa. The focus is on six highly important, native multipurpose trees (Adan ...
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Access-Authority Nexus in Farmer-Herder Conflicts

Research project The ‘Access-authority nexus in farmer-herder conflicts’ (AAN) project investigates the dynamic processes of formation and erosion of access, identities and authority in spatial and historical perspectives. Through a theoretical lens guided by politic ... Midterm report (a) Three PhD Fellows have been recruited and enrolled into PhD study programs. They have taken PhD courses both in Ghana and Denmark and also started collecting field data. Two of the Fellows have completed data collection and are ...
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Preserving African Food Microorganisms for Green Growth

Research project The aim of the project is to turn the food sector in West Africa into a driver of sustainable growth, improve food security, create new business opportunities, ensure job generation, alleviate poverty and create stronger linkages between relevant sta ... Project completion report: The establishment of bio-banks in Ghana, Burkina Faso and Benin opened up new opportunities for research on fermented foods ensuring the West African microbial heritage. The bio-banks provide strains for research work ...
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Value-added processing of underutilised savanna tree seeds for improved food security and income generation in West Africa

Research project The West African savanna region has a fragile ecological system that is vulnerable to prolonged droughts and food shortages. It is shared by countries with some of the lowest per capita incomes in the world. The region is however well endowed with un ... Completion Report - Summary The project has aimed to optimize the processing of seeds from three semi-domesticated and wild trees common to the savanna region i.e. African locust bean, baobab and kapok trees, as means of improving income generatio ...
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