Comprehensive Cervical Cancer Prevention in Tanzania
Start date: 1 January, 2015 End date: 31 December, 2021 Project type: South-driven projects (prior to 2017) Project code: 14-P02-TAN Countries: Tanzania Thematic areas: Health, Lead institution: Ocean Road Cancer Institute (ORCI), Tanzania Partner institutions: University of Southern Denmark (SDU), Denmark Rigshospitalet (RH), Copenhagen University Hospital, Denmark Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University College (KCMUC), Tanzania Project website: go to website (the site might be inactive) Project coordinator: Julius Mwaiselage Total grant: 8,999,964 DKK Project files:Project summary
The natural history of Human papillomavirus (HPV) in sub-Saharan Africa is not yet fully understood and information about how HIV together with other risk factors interacts with HPV acquisition and HPV persistence/clearance is warranted. Additionally, concern prevails about the quality of cervical cancer preventive strategies in sub-Saharan Africa.
Against this background the project aims to provide a better understanding of the natural history of HPV with a view to HIV status, measure the impact of a novel screening method based on care HPV testing and assess how continuity of care among women who are tested HPV positive can be improved. The study will be linked up with the existing cervical cancer screening program at Ocean Road Cancer Institute (ORCI) and Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre (KCMC); and will include 4000 women who are attending screening service or HIV care and treatment. HPV acquisition and persistence/clearance patterns as well as the absolute risk of severe cervical precancerous lesions will be determined through a follow up study lasting 28 months. The test performance of careHPV testing, liquid-based cytology and VIA will be described and the operating characteristics of the three screening methods will be assessed according to HIV status. Finally, the impact of a mobile phone intervention and a patient navigation model will be assessed and compared according to the proportion of HPV positive women who return for follow-up examinations. Additionally, the project will implement a research capacity building component focusing on transfer of knowledge and technology.
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