
Torn-up bodies/torn-up lives: Towards a phenomenology of the modes in which Karen refugees experience, cope, and imaginatively engage in alternate futures in lifeworlds contaminated by landmines

Master thesis Abstract: This thesis is based on 4 ½ months fieldwork in a refugee camp in Thailand among Karens injured my landmines. In the camp I learnt that the situation here engendered a deep seated sense of dependency and lingering sense of deat ...
Period: 2013-02-26 to 2013-06-5 Countries: Thailand Lead institutions: University of Copenhagen (UCPH), Denmark Grant recipient: Tomas Cole Project code: A21988 Total grant: 9,000 DKK
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Health Systems Reform and Ethics: Private Practitioners in Poor Urban Neighbourhoods in India, Indonesia and Thailand

Research project This project studied health care provided by private practitioners to inhabitants of selected poor urban neighbourhoods in India, Indonesia and Thailand. In India, the project observed wide variation in types and qualifications of providers, but only ...
Period: 2003-12-31 to 2009-12-30 Countries: India Indonesia Thailand Lead institution: Aarhus University (AU), Denmark Project code: 809-AU1 Total grant: 4,000,141 DKK
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