
Dynamics of parasitic helminth infections: Improved control practices through comparative studies in chickens

Research project The main objective of this project is to create capacity in Nicaragua to study the dynamics of parasitic infections. Parasitic diseases are common in both man and livestock but current control measures assume to a large extent that all infections sho ... Completion Report - Summary: This project is on the importance of parasitic infections in smallholder poultry production in Nicaragua supported by experimental studies to determine central aspects of the biology of the common helminth Ascaridia ...
Period: 2010-09-30 to 2014-12-30 Countries: Nicaragua Lead institution: University of Copenhagen (UCPH), Denmark Project code: 09-054LIFE Total grant: 1,395,753 DKK
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Corporate Responsibility for Fundamental Labour Standards and Rights: A Field Study on Labour Conditions of Sugarcane Workers on Grupo Pellas’ Plantation in Western Nicaragua

Master thesis Abstract: Increasingly, adverse business impacts on societies and environments have been addressed by the international community. To define a transnational umbrella model for business responsibilities, the United Nations introduced the framewo ...
Period: 2013-11-3 to 2014-05-19 Countries: Nicaragua Lead institutions: Copenhagen Business School (CBS), Denmark Grant recipient: Anita Aufrecht Project code: A24559 Total grant: 15,000 DKK
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Using PES to Secure Livelihoods and Environmental Services in Coffee Agro forests

Research project Nearly half of the world’s 25 million coffee farmers are smallholder farmers who depend on coffee production as their main source of income. They often produce coffee in shade systems, i.e. coffee fields with shade trees of different diverse composit ...The PhD project investigated the loss of environmental services among shade coffee farmers, and examined the role of local organizations for participation of smallholders in programs of payments for environmental services (PES). Among 441 surveyed co ...
Period: 2008-08-31 to 2011-12-31 Countries: Costa Rica Nicaragua Lead institution: University of Copenhagen (UCPH), Denmark Project code: 10-08-LIFE Total grant: 221,587 DKK
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Monitoring Matters: Comparative Analysis of Innovative Approaches

Research project Monitoring of natural resources and resource use by professional scientists is often costly and hard to sustain, especially in developing countries, where financial resources are limited. Moreover, such monitoring can be logistically and technically ...
Period: 2005-08-31 to 2009-12-31 Countries: Bhutan Ghana Madagascar Namibia Nicaragua Philippines Tanzania Lead institution: University of Copenhagen (UCPH), Denmark Project code: 1203-LIFE Total grant: 8,104,832 DKK
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