Climate change and global value chains in Bangladesh
Start date: 1 July, 2021 End date: 30 June, 2025 Project type: Research projects in countries with extended development cooperation (earlier Window 1) Project code: 20-10-CBS Countries: Bangladesh Thematic areas: Climate change, Economic development and value chains, Production, industry and labour market, Lead institution: Copenhagen Business School (CBS), Denmark Partner institutions: Aalborg University (AAU), Denmark Roskilde University (RUC), Denmark BRAC University (BRACU), Bangladesh University of Dhaka (DU), Bangladesh The Danish Ethical Trading Initiative (DIEH), Denmark Danish Fashion and Textile (DMOGT), Denmark Project website: go to website (the site might be inactive) Project coordinator: Peter Lund-Thomsen Total grant: 11,955,766 DKKProject summary
This research and capacity building project will investigate how the garment/textile value chains connecting Europe/Bangladesh are being reconfigured in response to climate change. Our research will answer the following questions: How are the garment/textile value chains connecting Europe/Bangladesh being reconfigured in response to climate change, and what are the consequences for economic, social, and environmental upgrading in the garment/textile industries of Bangladesh?
The main research objective is to create insights into the actors pushing for decarbonization and value chain resilience efforts in the garment/textile industries of Europe/Bangladesh; the drivers behind their engagement; the scope of their practices, experimentation, and collaboration; and the consequences for economic, social, and environmental upgrading in Bangladesh. Scientific results: 8 articles (in journals such as World Development & Economic Geography) & 8 book chapters, as well as 8 working papers coauthored with Bangladeshi colleagues. The PhDs will publish their own articles in addition.
Results will be shared widely through publications/blogs/meetings in DIEH/BRAC University in DK/Bangladesh. Research capacity strengthening outputs: 3 Bangladeshi PhDs; exchange visits to extend participating scholars’ international experience/networks; conferences in DK and Bangladesh on climate change/the garment industry, and strengthening university-industry linkages.
The project is headed by the Copenhagen Business School. Partner universities include Aalborg University (DK), Roskilde University (DK) BRAC University (Bangladesh) and University of Dhaka (Bangladesh). Private sector partners include the Danish Ethical Trading Initiative and Danish Fashion and Textile.