International Water Management Institute (IWMI), South Africa

Enhancing Sustainable Groundwater Use in South Africa – ESGUSA-2

Research project Much of Southern Africa is semi-arid, subject to low (400-650 mm/year) and erratic rainfall, implying severe challenges in providing growing populations with sustainable water supplies for domestic, agricultural and industrial uses. The situation is ...  
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Enhancing Sustainable Groundwater Use in South Africa

Research project Groundwater is an increasingly important source of water supply for agriculture, households, and industry. With population growth and increasing climate variability, this water resource plays an increasingly important role in South Africa (RSA) to en ... Extra midterm report Two field sites for detailed hydrogeological observations have been established at Mamadila and Kalkfontein in the Hout catchment. Seven monitoring wells are equipped for automated logging/monitoring of groundwater levels, gen ...
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