
Myanmar: Climate Actions, Conflict and Peacebuilding

Research project This research project (MyClimate) explores how climate change interventions affect and are affected by existing conflict dynamics over natural resources and identity politics in six of Myanmar’s contested ethnic areas (Kachin, Chin, Mon, Naga, Pa-O, ... First year report One objective of MyClimate is to produce new empirical knowledge on how communities in Myanmar perceive and cope with the effects of climate change during a time of profound crisis. Another objective is to explore how different a ...
Period: 2021-12-1 to 2026-11-30 Countries: Myanmar Lead institution: Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS), Denmark Partner institutions: Enlightened Myanmar Research (EMR), Myanmar Yangon University (UY), Myanmar Project code: 20-05-DIIS Total grant: 12,000,000 DKK
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Peacebuilding, Public Authority, and Forests in Myanmar

Research project The project seeks to understand how authority is produced through the governance of land, natural resources, and people in areas of prolonged armed conflict and contested statehood. It contributes to wider debates about the impact of natural resourc ... First year report Due to Covid-19 restrictions and the military coup in Myanmar on 01 Feb 2021, the project partners agreed to initiate our activities by employing two PhD students at Chulalongkorn University by mid-August 2021. The reason being t ...
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Overcoming barriers to improving OHS among SMEs in Myanmar

Research project In the wake of the Rana Plaza accident the recent years have witnessed increased interests among scholars, global brands, policy-makers and NGOs in occupational health and safety (OHS) among companies in developing countries (Huq et al 2016). However ... Midterm report Efficient and Sustainable Apparel Myanmar (ESAM) is a research project combining interventions and derived cluster effects concerning integrating productivity measures and OHS. The project introduces Lean interventions and assesses ...
Period: 2020-02-1 to 2024-10-31 Countries: Myanmar Lead institution: University of Southern Denmark (SDU), Denmark Partner institutions: Yangon Technological University (YTU), Myanmar Aalborg University (AAU), Denmark Project code: 19-M08-SDU Total grant: 4,999,946 DKK
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Legacies of Detention in Myanmar

Research project Prisons and detention practices play a fundamental role in modern states in general, and authoritarian and post-authoritarian states, in particular. This project explores the historical and contemporary role of detention in Myanmar and its significan ...
Period: 2016-07-1 to 2022-12-31 Countries: Myanmar Lead institution: Danish Institute Against Torture (DIGNITY), Denmark Partner institutions: Justice for All, Myanmar Mahidol University, Thailand Yangon University (UY), Myanmar Project code: 16-04-DIGN Total grant: 9,644,206 DKK
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REintegration through Active Labour Market reforms

Research project Prioritizing an inclusive growth agenda, the Government of Myanmar is highlighting a well-functioning and sufficiently regulated labour market as a key element for success. It has thereforeset in motion a myriad of labour market initiatives with the ...
Period: 2019-01-1 to 2022-12-31 Countries: Myanmar Lead institution: University of Copenhagen (UCPH), Denmark Partner institutions: Centre for Economic and Social Development (CESD), Myanmar Project code: 18-M08-KU Total grant: 4,978,650 DKK
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Everyday Justice and Security in the Myanmar Transition

Research project This timely project will build research capacity and inform policy interventions by investigating the production of locally legitimate authority in transitional contexts with contested statehood. This is analyzed through the lens of everyday justice ...
Period: 2014-12-31 to 2021-11-30 Countries: Myanmar Lead institution: Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS), Denmark Partner institutions: Enlightened Myanmar Research (EMR), Myanmar Aarhus University (AU), Denmark Yangon University (UY), Myanmar Project code: 14-04DIIS Total grant: 8,956,885 DKK
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Transformative learning and ideas of citizenship: An ethnographic exploration of transformative education in an NGO setting in Myanmar

Master thesis Abstract:

This thesis explores the personal strategies and educational trajectories of young people living through a double transition in Yangon, Myanmar. The young generation in Myanmar is growing up in a time of change and uncerta ...
Period: 2017-07-15 to 2017-11-17 Countries: Myanmar Lead institutions: Grant recipient: Kirstine Lya Høj Mathiesen Project code: A31820 Total grant: 13,845 DKK
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Strengthening civil society in Myanmar – the influence of political reforms

Master thesis Abstract
After almost half a century of military rule, Myanmar is in its democratisation process gradually opening up to the outside world and re-introducing people´s right to free speech and assembly. Civil society, which was either ...
Period: 2012-10-29 to 2012-11-28 Countries: Myanmar Lead institutions: Roskilde University (RUC), Denmark Grant recipient: Marie Ditlevsen Project code: A19495 Total grant: 15,000 DKK
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