Managed Aquifer Recharge in the North China Plain
Start date: 1 April, 2018 End date: 31 December, 2022 Project type: Research projects in countries with targeted development cooperation (earlier Window 2) Project code: 17-M08-GEU Countries: China Thematic areas: Natural resource management, Water management and sanitation, Lead institution: Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS), Denmark Partner institutions: Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech), China University of Jihan, China Beijing Water Science and Technology Institute (BWSTI), China China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research (IWHR), China Nordiq Group A/S, Denmark Project website: go to website (the site might be inactive) Project coordinator: Simon Stisen Total grant: 4,998,240 DKK Project files:Project summary
The long term objective of the project is to prepare experts and water managers in China with the best possible knowledge base in order to make informed decisions on large scale MAR implementation in the North China Plain (NCP) as a tool for alleviating water scarcity. The immediate objective of the project is to examine the potential of large scale MAR implementation in NCP through both a quantitative and qualitative assessment. This is achieved through three work packages dealing with 1) Regional scale and site specific integrated surface water-groundwater modelling as a tool for scenario testing and examination of upscaling potential of MAR, 2) Research in laboratories and at two specific MAR installations targeting degradation and treatment processes related to trace organic contaminants and pathogens, and 3) Communication of knowledge through stakeholder involvement, policy briefs and preparing a MAR technical guideline.
The project will contribute to the state-of-the-art by developing a regional scale coupledgroundwater-surface water model with improved boundary conditions and spatial representation by combining previous modelling efforts with flux and state estimates from satellite data. At the field sites degradation processes will be monitored along groundwater flow paths in a dual-stage framework by evaluating the water quality improvements of reclaimed water in shallow aquifers after river bank filtration (stage I) and after prolonged groundwater storage in confined aquifers (stage II). Laboratory experiments simulating the MAR environment will be conducted for specific contaminants.
Finally, stakeholder involvement will ensure knowledge sharing and development of MAR application strategies to be tested through scenario modelling. Throughout the project, joint research will be carried out on both modelling and field/laboratory work, which will build capacity and result in research publications.
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