University of Dodoma (UDOM), Tanzania

Transformative knowledge for people, forests and climate in Tanzania (Mageuzi ya Maarifa)

Research project Climate change policy and forest management laws and regulations in Africa are developed by experts who are trained using Western epistemological approaches. A wealth of other approaches, using bottom-up knowledge, are available, but these are rarely ...
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Private-sector cash transfers (CASH-IN)

Research project The overall objective of CASH-IN is to investigate whether and to what extent privately managed cash transfers (PrivCTs) are politicized by ruling elites and how this affects inclusive sustainable growth and state-society relations. Cash transfers ha ...
Period: 2020-09-1 to 2025-05-31 Countries: Tanzania Uganda Lead institution: Roskilde University (RUC), Denmark Partner institutions: Makerere University (MAK), Uganda University of Dodoma (UDOM), Tanzania Project code: 19-05-RUC Total grant: 11,944,444 DKK
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New Partnerships for Sustainability (NEPSUS)

Research project New and more complex partnerships are emerging to address the sustainability of natural resource use in developing countries. These partnerships variously link donors, governments, community-based organizations, NGOs, business, certification agencies ...
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