
Birth weight in Rural Guinea-Bissau. Does maternal BCG scarification affect birth weight?

Master thesis Abstract:

The Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine is associated with reduced mortality that cannot be attributed solely to the protection against tuberculosis. In a randomised trial from Denmark, among children with BCG-vaccinate ...
Period: 2017-02-16 to 2018-01-13 Countries: Guinea-Bissau Lead institutions: Grant recipient: Alexander Dahl Stjernholm Project code: A31295 Total grant: 33,256 DKK
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Monitoring and assessing the impact of vaccinations and other childhood interventions for both boys and girls

Research project   Background: Both observational studies and randomised trials (RCT) have documented that vaccines and micronutrients have non-specific effects (NSE) on child mortality. These effects may be even more important than the specific effec ... Project Completion Report We managed to conduct the local research training and to national researchers qualified at the PhD or post-doc levels. Though with some delays (due to factors outside our control) we also managed to submit the theses a ...
Period: 2009-10-1 to 2017-01-1 Countries: Burkina Faso Ghana Guinea-Bissau India Kenya Lead institution: Statens Serum Institut (SSI), Denmark Partner institutions: INDEPTH Network, Ghana National Institute of Public Health (INASA), Guinea-Bissau Project code: 09-105SSI Total grant: 10,155,000 DKK
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The influence of HLA-types on disease progression among HIV-2 infected patients in Guinea-Bissau

Master thesis Abstract:
Artikel resumé: Baggrund : HIV-2 findes primært i Vestafrika, og er karakteriseret ved lavere smitterisiko end HIV-1, grundet lavere virusmængde i blodet. Udviklingen til AIDS sker typisk langsommere ...
Period: 2016-04-26 to 2016-05-28 Countries: Guinea-Bissau Lead institutions: Aarhus University (AU), Denmark Grant recipient: Ditte Thomsen Project code: A29131 Total grant: 18,000 DKK
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Prevalence and Clinical Characteristics of CMV co-infection among HIV Infected Individuals in Guinea-Bissau: A Cross Sectional Study

Master thesis Abstract: BACKGROUND: Cytomegalovirus (CMV) may cause end-organ diseases (EOD) in severely immunocompromised individuals, and figures as an AIDS defining condition in HIV infected individuals. Evidence from high-income countries suggests that C ...
Period: 2015-01-31 to 2015-12-14 Countries: Guinea-Bissau Lead institutions: Aarhus University (AU), Denmark Grant recipient: Helene Ladefoged Grønborg Project code: A27623 Total grant: 20,000 DKK
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The Effect on Hospital Admissions of Providing BCG Vaccine at Birth to Low-Birth-Weight Infants: Randomised Trial in Guinea-Bissau

Master thesis Abstract Objective
To examine the effect of early BCG vaccination to low-birth-weight (LBW) infants on the risk and causes of neonatal and infant hospital admissions. Design Study of a secondary outcome within a randomis ...
Period: 2012-01-30 to 2013-02-11 Countries: Guinea-Bissau Lead institutions: Statens Serum Institut (SSI), Denmark Grant recipient: Frederik Schaltz-Buchholzer Project code: A15876 Total grant: 15,000 DKK
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Long-term community studies to evaluate and improve primary health care programmes in Guinea-Bissau

Research project Strengthening research capacity in Guinea-Bissau by completing 5 initiated PhDs and 2 new post-doc, 2 PhD and 2 MSc studies and conducting trials to optimise health interventions. Studies deal with control and treatment of malaria, measles, HIV, T ... Project Completion Report: During the ENRECA-III phase five (5) Guinean have defended their theses and the thesis of the last candidate has had her thesis accepted for defence. The Danish trained PhD students in Bissau have become the backbone f ...
Period: 2006-12-31 to 2012-12-30 Countries: Guinea-Bissau Lead institution: Statens Serum Institut (SSI), Denmark Project code: 502-SSI2 Total grant: 12,939,627 DKK
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Prevalence and impact of hepatitis B and C among HIV infected patients in Guinea-Bissau

Master thesis Abstract Background : Co-infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and viral hepatitis B (HBV) and C (HCV) may lead to accelerated hepatic disease progression with higher rates of liver cirrhosis and liver-related mortality compare ...
Period: 2011-02-24 to 2012-02-4 Countries: Guinea-Bissau Lead institutions: Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark Grant recipient: Bo Langhoff Hønge Project code: A12030 Total grant: 10,000 DKK
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Network for Monitoring Childhood Interventions

Research project The major interventions in childhood, in particular vaccinations and micronutrient supplementation, in low-income countries are implemented to prevent specific infections or deficiencies. These interventions have been evaluated exclusively for their ...
Period: 2008-09-26 to 2010-12-31 Countries: Burkina Faso Ghana Guinea-Bissau India Kenya Tanzania Lead institution: Statens Serum Institut (SSI), Denmark Project code: 97-08-SSI Total grant: 201,624 DKK
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