Productivity and Growth in Organic Value-chains (ProGrOV)

project summary

The growing organic sector is an example of private/market led development. The rationale for the project is that organic agriculture has the potential to improve yields and natural resource management and link farmers to high value markets for improved rural livelihood. The project will investigate potentials and develop methods for improving productivity, growth and sustainable development in existing organic value chains in Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania through research addressing development of agro-ecological methods, governance and management of organic value-chains, and capacity development in participatory and interdisciplinary approaches. The project is a collaboration between Universities in Denmark, Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania as well as with the national organic organizations from the three countries NOGAMU, KOAN and TOAM. The project will build capacity for development of the organic agriculture based value chains through research and dissemination and will train a number of young researchers in applying discipline oriented methods in an agro-ecosystem and value chain framework. The research in ProGrOV will include nine PhD students and six MSc students enrolled at the African Universities and provided with additional external supervision by Danish researchers from Aarhus University and University of Copenhagen. The studies will focus on three different types of value chains, namely organic export chains; organic chains for the domestic high value market; and organic value chains aiming at the tourism sector.  


PERIOD: 31 December 2010 to 31 December 2017
COUNTRIES: Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda
PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Niels Halberg; Lise Andreasen
TOTAL GRANT: 10,424,506 DKK