Decentralisation and Local Governance of Land in Africa. Land Reform Implementation and Citizen Participation in Tanzania

Project Type:

Smaller projects: PhD

project summary

Improved tenure security can help improve food security for the 75% of the world’s poor who live on the countryside and depend on access to land. The project investigates implementation of decentralised land administrations, which is a key element in most land reforms in Sub-Saharan Africa. Through comparative case analyses of two rural districts in mainland Tanzania it assesses how reform implementation affects access to land, especially for women and vulnerable groups. Particular attention is paid to whether increased participation, as claimed, can improve implementation and access. Empirically, the project gathers evidence about implementation of decentralised land administrations in Tanzania, which has only been surveyed sporadically. Theoretically, it aims at qualifying debates within land rights studies about the interrelationship between decentralisation, formalisation and citizen participation. Policy wise, the project produces knowledge about how to improve implementation and access to formal land administration services. The project will be attached to an emerging World Bank sponsored research program about decentralisation and social accountability, but can be accomplished anyhow if financing of the program fails. The PhD student is enrolled at International Development Studies at RUC. In Tanzania he is attached to Ardhi University. Within academia knowledge is communicated through a PhD dissertation, articles and workshops. MS and donors receive reports on findings. A blog ensures dissemination of knowledge to the public.


PERIOD: 30 September 2009 to 29 June 2013
PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Rasmus Hundsbæk Petersen
TOTAL GRANT: 2,820,437 DKK