Capability Building for Research and Development in Traditional Fermented Processing in West Africa
Start date: 31 December, 2003 End date: 31 December, 2010 Project type: Larger strategic projects - ENRECA (prior to 2008) Project code: 1101-Life1 Countries: Benin Ghana Thematic areas: Agricultural production, Food security and safety, Lead institution: University of Copenhagen (UCPH), Denmark Project coordinator: Mogens Jakobsen Total grant: 7,715,885 DKKProject summary
The project aims through research, education, training, and other forms of logistical support to build capability in selected institutions in West Africa to contribute to national development by carrying out value-added research on traditional food products. For the three African Partners from Benin, Ghana and Burkina Faso, the major project activities include upgrading and improved management of laboratories for analytical work and research; collaborative research in food fermentation, food safety and quality assurance with special attention to the poorer parts of the countries and use of new or less explored raw materials; training and exchange of staff ; dissemination of results to local producers and networking activities with other African food scientists and technologists. Research and development and dissemination activities will extend to the point of potential commercial application by local producers and for possible export opportunities. During the current phase, activities will be undertaken to consolidate and sustain the capacity already built and to disseminate results obtained during the previous phases of the project. |
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