Building Stronger Universities II – UG


Start date: 31 October, 2014 End date: 29 June, 2020 Project type: Building Stronger Universities Project code: BSU2-UG Countries: Ghana Thematic areas: Climate change, Health, Lead institution: Aarhus University (AU), Denmark CG Consulting, Denmark Partner institutions: University of Ghana (UG), Ghana Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Denmark Project coordinator: George Obeng Adjei Total grant: 15,000,000 DKK

Project summary


The University of Ghana’s mission is “to develop world-class human resource and capabilities to meet national development needs and global challenges through quality teaching, learning, research and knowledge dissemination”. To fulfill this mission, the university’s recent strategic plan has two components that form the basis of the BUSII project:

1. The adoption of a new PhD curriculum which requires candidates to do a series of course work during the first year and an experiential/practical internship in the second year. The last two years are devoted to doctoral research work

2. The identification of the following research focus areas, to be developed as Centres of Excellence:
i. Malaria Research
ii. Trans-disciplinary Research into Climate Change Adaptation
iii. Enhancing Food Production and Processing
iv. Development Policy and Poverty Monitoring and Evaluation

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