Urban and Peri-urban Livestock Farming in Tanzania and Environmental and Health Challenges

Thematic Areas:

Agricultural production

project summary

Urban and peri-urban livestock farming pose immense threat to public health, environment, animal health and welfare. The pilot phase provided significant findings, however, some impact-bearing tasks have not been accomplished in the pilot phase. The pilot project did not study in detail the understanding of urban reaction to livestock production including perception of problems by the producers, perception of problems by the city dwellers and the perception of problems by city rulers. This information is important in influencing livestock policy changes regarding urban livestock farming. The pilot project identified major challenges in animal waste disposal, but the actual quantities and economic use of the waste discharged, and the associated biological and chemical problems are not known. It is important to assess this, including the environmental and public health burdens associated with animal wastes before proper planning on management of animal wastes can be made. The pilot project also did not dwell in mitigation measures of biological problems related to urban livestock production. It is necessary to look at transmission ways for pathogens, and ways of correction of chemical problems related to urban livestock production including toxic substances such as acaricides, antibimicrobials and other pollutants from animal wastes. In addition to the basic information on perceptions towards animals welfare human attitudes towards animals established in the pilot phase of the project, more information is needed with regards to welfare of individual animals in the farms, during transportation and at slaughter. Further animal welfare as well as social studies is needed to understand which methods can be used to improve awareness and attitudes towards animals and their welfare.  


PERIOD: 1 January 2013 to 31 December 2016
TOTAL GRANT: 4,969,526 DKK