Political process and social contest – A historical analysis of state-chief relations in Kpandai district, Northern Ghana
Start date: 31 December, 2007 End date: 10 March, 2011 Project type: Smaller projects: PhD Project code: 926-RUC Countries: Ghana Thematic areas: Economic development and value chains, Lead institution: Roskilde University (RUC), Denmark Project coordinator: Paul Austin Stacey Total grant: 1,972,152 DKKProject summary
Recent decentralisation, the demarcation of a new district and the establishing of a district assembly in Kpandai, northern Ghana has given rise to a resurfacing of historically unresolved disputes concerning traditional citizenship and rights to chiefship. This harks back to the colonial reforms of the 1930’s. Contemporary contests are situated in the context of a practical inseparability between emerging configurations of competing public authorities, on the one hand, and the practice of state sanction of property rights, on the other. Both processes generate winners and losers and compound simple differentiations between de jure and de facto categories.
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