One Health – Strengthening Health Care Management

Thematic Areas:


project summary

Access to effective antibiotics is imperative for health systems to guarantee patient security and quality treatment. Ineffective antibiotics due to Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) is slowing down the pace of advancements for strengthening health care systems. Lack of action today will place AMR as the main cause of death by 2050 with ten million deaths per year. The main driver behind AMR is inappropriate use of antibiotics in humans and animals, thus addressing only use of antibiotic within the health care system might not be enough to put an end to this growing threat. On the contrary, a “One Health” approach implying intersectorial work is the solution to find effective and sustainable solutions to the problem. Hence, the aim of this project is to identify key One Health factors which should be taken into consideration to secure high-quality access to antibiotics in the Brazilian context. It will be done by following a multi-level qualitative approach divided in three work packages. The first work package will explore the views of users of the healthcare system, including those co-habiting with pets about appropriate use of antibiotics, risk of AMR and “One Health” habits of family and pet interactions. The second work package will explore how prescribers handle the treatment decision, the agency duties of prescribers and providers of antibiotics, and strategies that patients/pet owners use to request or reject the use of antibiotics. The third work package will explore public and private stakeholders’ perceptions on AMR and intersectorial work at the national level. The results of this study will support the strengthening of the health care system by contributing with the prioritization of key elements to secure an effective access to antibiotics in Brazil and contributing with the knowledge needed to support the progress of Brazil’s National Action Plan on AMR.


PERIOD: 1 March 2020 to 31 March 2023
TOTAL GRANT: 4,305,142 DKK