Monitoring the Environment of Mount Kilimanjaro region and its association with Climatic Changes
Start date: 31 December, 2008 End date: 30 December, 2012 Project type: Pilot research cooperation projects (prior to 2013) Project code: P10-08-TAN Countries: Tanzania Thematic areas: Climate change, Lead institution: Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), Tanzania Partner institutions: Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI), Denmark Policy Brief: Policy Brief Project coordinator: Clavery T. Tungaraza Total grant: 3,985,000 DKK Project files:Project summary
This project will investigate environmental changes in the Kilimanjaro region. The main objectives of this research will involve activities in the area of Atmospheric circulation and meteorological information recording, downscaling of models for the Kilimanjaro and surrounding region, Hydrological interaction of various ecological systems , training of a local expert in modelling and Climate change impacts and communities' adaptation capabilities. The major output of this project will be identified in terms of installed weather stations, quality continuous meteorological data transmitted, successful customisation of the model, simulation for forecast and hindcast climate, glacier melting consequences developed, climate effects to community established through water flow monitoring and effect to ecosystem and communities established. The research will build capacity of local staff to undertake modelling activities and research equipment will be available for continued research. It is expected that Research outputs will be disseminated through journal, website and presentation to conferences and workshops and community meetings.
Project Completion Report - Summary:
The public need to understand that results indicate that melting of glacier continue and will continue to affect the Kilimanjaro glacier. This is due to the fact that weather condition indicates variation of regional precipitation which determines the increase (build-up) or loss of the snow as was exemplified by the fact that months with low precipitation implied loss of glacier. In general the mountain snow dynamics indicate build-up and retreat following precipitation seasonal variations. Intermediary appearance of penitentes at the end of the long dry season in always has accelerated thinning of the ice surface. Study indicates that March - May is the season of low wind strength in the Kilimanjaro region while it is a period of highest precipitation.
From this study it should be aware that the glaciers contribute significantly to the low altitude flow of water. The mountain maintains river flow at altitudes above the forest zone imolving that the importance of Ihe forest as the suurcc of wator is highly supplemenlcd by ihe melting glacier. Therefore, glacier disappearance will have effects on the water availability. Water has the highest direct impact to communities' livelihood therefore drought increase in the region was easily noted, Finally, it can be leamed that higher resolution model is needed for best prediction as the 10 km resolution provided better prediction of the drier future weather in the region.