Mobility Grant project of Ms Jessica Chamier
Start date: 14 November, 2018 End date: 19 September, 2019 Project type: Mobility Grant project Project code: 18-MG02SDU Countries: South Africa Thematic areas: Energy, Lead institution: University of Southern Denmark (SDU), Denmark Partner institutions: University of Cape Town (UCT), South Africa Policy Brief: Link to abstract: Project coordinator: Shuang Ma Andersen Total grant: 155,640 DKKProject summary
Project Title: Recycling of Fuel Cell Waste.
Globally the implementation of Hydrogen fuel cell (FC) technologies is increasing. FC may have lifetimes of up to 10 years, the limiter is the platinum group metal (PGM) containing membrane electrode assembly (MEA). Spent MEAs represent a form of waste, which most commercial companies can not handle. Recovery of the PGMs from spent MEAs are of topical interest to recoup cost, create revenues and close the loop for a greener technology.
SDU has extensive experience in Pt catalyst recovery. HySA Catalysis at UCT manufacture MEAs with a large economic incentive to recycle PGMs. DFC provides an excellent opportunity, which allows for the these parties to establish overlapping interest and collaboration opportunities for research & technology development. The goal of the project is to establish a green and economical process for Waste FC PGM recovery.
The project resulted in multiple communication outputs, including:
1. R. Sharma, Y. Wang, F. Li, J. Chamier, S. M. Andersen. ACS Omega 2019
2. R. Sharma, Y. Wang, F. Li, J. Chamier, S. M. Andersen, ACS Appl. Energy Mater.2019
3. R. Sharma, S.J. Andreasen, J. Chamier, S.M. Andersen, J. Electrochem. Soc. 166 (2019),
Planned publications for 2019/2020 including
1. Supported IrO2 used in reversal tolerant anodes. T. Labi; J. Chamier, S.M. Andersen
2. Nb-TiO2 as a support for IrO2 in reversal tolerant anodes. M. Lewis; J. Chamier, S.M. Andersen, D. Susac.
The parties are aiming to put a Eurostars project proposal together. The consortium will include HySA Catalysis, HyPlat, SDU as well as a commercial partner from Denmark, still to be identified. If awarded this project will allow for maximum outputs on a Technology Development level.
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