From Smallholder Subsistence Livestock to Small Enterprises: Preparatory Phase
Start date: 31 December, 2006 End date: 30 December, 2008 Project type: Smaller projects: Initiatives Project code: 730-LIFE Countries: Tanzania Thematic areas: Agricultural production, Economic development and value chains, Lead institution: University of Copenhagen (UCPH), Denmark Project coordinator: John Elmerdahl Olsen Total grant: 178,800 DKKProject summary
This small project was granted to allow scientist from Tanzania (Sokoine University of Agriculture and Open University of Tanzania) and Denmark (University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Life Sciences) to prepare a project application for a research capacity building project within transformation of livestock farms from subsistence farming to small enterprises. As part of the project, a workshop with important stakeholders in livestock industry in Tanzania was organized and based on this, priority areas for future research were identified to be. These were market analysis, mindset of farmers, constraints for standardized production, food safety aspects of livestock products and locally sustained production. From this input, scientists prepared and submitted a research proposal to DANIDA. The project entitled “Transforming smallholder livestock farms into profitable enterprises (Acronym: Livestock Enterprises” was granted and commenced on January 1st 2009.
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