Experimental Assessments to Analyse Performance of a Full-Scale Biodenipho WWTP and Wastewater Quality Comparison with a WWTP in Ghana
End date: 30 June, 2015 Project type: BSU Students' Master Thesis Project code: mec13-1A1 BSU Countries: Ghana Lead institution: Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Denmark Project coordinator: Lydia Otoo AmponsahProject summary
Influent characterization of wastewater is an important aspect for design, optimisation and operation of activated sludge processes in wastewater treatment systems. In order to properly calibrate the BioDenipho process model at Lynetten, Denmark’s largest wastewater treatment plant, according to the ASM2d framework, influent characterisation is needed to translate necessary characteristic concentrations to model-compatible parameters. After performing two intensive measurement campaigns and standard laboratory analyses, influent and effluent COD, N, P concentrations were fractionated and translated into ASM2d compatible state variables. Total COD, total N and total P values which were found to be (743 ± 45) mg/l, (78 ± 6) mg/l and (15 ± 2) mg/l in the influent and (743 ± 45) mg/l, (78 ± 6) mg/l and (15 ± 2) mg/l in the effluent agree well with literature values. In the reactors, total N of (354±11), total P of (178±8), TSS of (4031±262) and total COD of (6083±30) mg/l are found. Comparing with data from Oti Faecal Sludge Treatment Facility in Ghana, it is observed that the three-stage treatment process using anaerobic, facultative and maturation ponds is very efficient in COD removal (92%), but needs to be optimized for nitrogen and phosphorus removal.
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