Enhancing Productivity, Market Access and Income of Small Farming Businesses in Tanzania: Potentials and Limitations in Contract Farming
Start date: 29 November, 2013 End date: 30 November, 2020 Project type: South-driven projects (prior to 2017) Project code: 13-P03-TAN Countries: Tanzania Thematic areas: Agricultural production, Economic development and value chains, Lead institution: Mzumbe University (MU), Tanzania Partner institutions: University of Copenhagen (UCPH), Denmark Project coordinator: Mursali A. Milanzi Total grant: 4,951,910 DKK Project files:Project summary
The project portfolio for phase 2 consists of three separate sub-projects that all are nourished by research findings from phase 1. The three sub-projects are tied together by emerging or changing contractual systems, the overarching issue examined in four different agro-industrial value chains during phase 1 of the POLICOFA project. The projects are theoretically and methodologically based in the original framework of the (global) value chain approach and econometric analyses with the ambition to combine qualitative and quantitative methods in the empirical studies. The objective of this ambition is twofold: firstly to develop new methodologies based on sequential and mutually supportive application of different methods and techniques, and secondly to increase the analytical capabilities of the involved researchers – not least among the junior staff and PhD students – and thereby also strengthening the institutional capacity.
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