Vulnerabilities and Adaptation to a Changing Climate: A Gender Analysis Conducted in Tra Hat Hamlet, Bac Lieu Province, Vietnam
Using a mix methodological approach, this study analyzed the climate risks that men and women in Tra Hat Hamlet, a future climate smart village on the Mekong Delta, are facing and how they are adapting to it. The study also looked at the different gender based livelihood activities and identified the gender based constraints that exist in accessing the resources, needed to further strengthen their adaptation strategies. The sample population consisted of equal numbers of male and female headed households.
The results showed that in both the household types, perceptions of increasing temperature and reducing rainfall differed little and respondents identified adverse impacts on the agriculture and livestock sectors. In particular, rice farming was suffering from yield losses and increased costs of inputs especially after extreme weather events. No long term adaptation strategies could be identified by the farmers but both male and female headed households have different coping strategies to either cope with climatic or non-climatic drivers of change. The study also found that male and female headed households engage in a portfolio of activities to diversify their livelihood. It was mainly the younger generations who either migrated or worked as seasonally hired labour outside the village. There were, however, significant differences in the levels of income earned annually by each household type, based on farm sizes. Findings furthermore, show that gender based constraints in lack of participation in trainings, accessing income generating activities and lack of knowledge and awareness still exist that may affect their adaptive capacities.
The study highlights the need for further training and knowledge dissemination on adaptation strategies in agriculture and build capacities of the farmers in order to reduce the vulnerabilities of the households. The findings have implications for designing better initiatives at Tra Hat and for enhancing the involvement of men and women in the ongoing climate smart village initiative.