Technological and Market Options for Managing Climate Change Induced Risks for Smallholder Farmers in Northern Ghana

Research project This study aims to undertake an economic analysis of technological, institutional and policy strategies for managing the effects of climatic variability and market risks in smallholder maize-legume systems in the northern regions of Ghana. The overal ... Completion report: Climate change is likely to affect (and is already affecting) the livelihoods of smallholder farmers in many parts of Africa in a negative way. African smallholders are particularly vulnerable to adverse changes in agro-climat ...
Period: 2012-02-1 to 2017-12-31 Countries: Ghana Lead institution: Institute of Economics Affairs (IEA), Ghana Partner institutions: Aarhus University (AU), Denmark Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Denmark University of Copenhagen (UCPH), Denmark Project code: 11-P16-GHA Total grant: 5,023,329 DKK
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