
Multiple Waterscapes in Urban Ghana (MUWUG)

Research project Researching everyday access to drinking water in urban Ghana under conditions of climate change. MUWUG (Multiple Waterscapes in Urban Ghana) is an international research collaboration between Copenhagen University, Kwame Nkrumah University of Scie ...
Period: 2024-04-1 to 2029-03-31 Countries: Ghana Lead institution: University of Copenhagen (UCPH), Denmark Partner institutions: Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Ghana Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS), Denmark Geneva Water Hub, Switzerland Project code: 24-M06-KU Total grant: 10,000,000 DKK
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Governing Nature-based Climate Solutions: Prospects for a just green transition in Kenya (JUCAN)

Research project Nature based Climate Solutions (NbS) are, in brief, actions that aim at benefiting climate, biodiversity, and people. These solutions are high on the global and national carbon offsetting and biodiversity conservation agendas. The number of projects ...
Period: 2024-04-1 to 2029-03-31 Countries: Kenya Lead institution: University of Copenhagen (UCPH), Denmark Partner institutions: University of Nairobi (UoN), Kenya Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS), Denmark Africa Research and Impact Network (ARIN), Kenya Project code: 24-07-KU Total grant: 9,999,277 DKK
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Plastic waste and climate change in Bangladesh’s garment industry

Research project Bangladesh has emerged as a hub for garment production. This has contributed to job creation and reduction of poverty. The problem is, however, that it has also resulted in much plastic waste. Plastic waste that both contributes to local pollution an ...
Period: 2024-04-1 to 2029-03-31 Countries: Bangladesh Lead institution: University of Southern Denmark (SDU), Denmark Partner institutions: BRAC University (BRACU), Bangladesh Aalborg University (AAU), Denmark Project code: 24-05-SDU Total grant: 9,999,977 DKK
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Agroforestry for People, Ecosystems and Climate (AfPEC)

Research project Background In the light of the biodiversity and climate crises, there is an urgent need for research on green solutions and not least for making science operative. Globally there has been increasing focus to agroforestry as a key tool for curbing cl ...
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Promoting Climate Change Adaptation in a context of multiple crises in Burkina Faso: The role of civil servants

Research project The project aims at identifying and studying the potentialities for the civil servants to promote climate change adaptation and sustainable development within a context of overlapping crises. The climate crisis affects the livelihood of millions of p ...
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Mitigating emerging climate-sensitive disease vectors amongst internally displaced communities in Somaliland

Research project East Africa has experienced years of serious droughts exacerbated by the climate crisis. In Somaliland, due to climate change and the worst drought seen in 40 years, the magnitude of internally displaced people (IDP) fleeing from the drought has led ...
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Climate, Pollinator biodiversity, Crop Pollination and People’s Livelihoods

Research project This project aims to design climate smart agricultural approaches to sustain crop pollinators and implement beekeeping activities that will reduce poverty and food insecurity among smallholder farmers despite future climate change. As such, the insig ...
Period: 2024-04-1 to 2029-03-31 Countries: Tanzania Lead institution: University of Copenhagen (UCPH), Denmark Partner institutions: Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), Tanzania Tanzania Forestry Research Institute (TAFORI), Tanzania Project code: 24-08-KU Total grant: 9,991,100 DKK
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Green options for sustainable exploitation of iron ore reserves in Uganda

Research project Uganda has enormous unexploited iron ore reserves. In Uganda’s Vision 2040, the steel industry is identified as a key sector that can drive the country to become an upper-middle-income economy by 2040, while reducing poverty rates and income inequali ...
Period: 2024-04-1 to 2029-03-31 Countries: Uganda Lead institution: Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Denmark Partner institutions: Makerere University (MAK), Uganda Science, Technology and Innovation Secretariat (STI-OP), Uganda Project code: 24-09-DTU Total grant: 9,991,608 DKK
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